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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Hope for Sober Singles


   “Is there anything in here for single people?”


This was the question asked by one of our friends when we first presented A Spiritual Path to a Health Relationship, “hot off the press,” to our coffee circle.  Our response:  definitely.  There are:

·        Offers of hope—evidence that even people like us, who had despaired of ever “getting it right,” can have a satisfying and fulfilling romantic partnership, despite  prior failures, painful experiences, or long periods of loneliness.  There are several inspiring stories from other couples.
·        Lessons from our many years of experience being alone while getting ready to be in a relationship--working a program of recovery, reaching realizations such as the need to be alone to heal, to “become the right person” before we could “find the right person,” to achieve a full and meaningful life on our own instead of expecting another person to “fix” us, and then overcoming fear.
·        Specific examples of personal affirmations, identification of qualities we want in a mate, and setting a vision to achieve the relationship of our dreams.
·        Discussion points for people who are dating—help for people to identify their “must haves” and “deal breakers” and to discuss them with a potential partner before making a commitment.

Check back for further discussion in more depth of these and other topics.


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